做凡人 发表于 2013-2-23 05:07:07


本帖最后由 做凡人 于 2013-2-23 05:08 编辑

转自 csn.cancer.org/node/250863

Hi All,

My husband's latest scan showed no sign of disease. His scans came out all clear. He was Stage IV- RCC patient with mets to brain and lungs.

Age- 32 years

March 2012- Diagnosed with Stage IV RCC
April 2012- Left Kidney Nephrectomy
May 2012 - Cyber Knife Brain Radiation
july 2012- First Cycle of IL-2 , took 10 and 9 doses in 2 rounds at Beth Israel, Boston
Aug 2012- First scan after cycle 1- showed 50% response
Sept 2012 - Second scan showed 80-85% response
Sept 2012 - Brain MRI was stable, little swelling was noticed but no tumor.
Oct 2012- Another cycle of IL-2, took 9 and 8 doses
Nov 2012- First scan after 2nd cycle- NO SIGN OF DISEASE;-))))

Now there will be 3 months torso scans and 2 months brain MRIs for 1st year.
I would like to thank everybody on this forum who prayed for us. I wish everyone all the very best whoever is on this forum. keep your spirits high and have faith, everything will be fine.

Thanks again.

2012.3 查出4期肾细胞癌 (脑部和肺部转移)
2012.4 左肾根除手术
2012.5 射波刀脑部放疗
2012.7 第一周期高剂量白介素注射 (两轮分别是10dose和9dose,我不太懂具体单位还有怎么操作。。)
2012.8 第一次扫描 显示50%的反应 (不好意思,我还是不懂什么叫50%的反应。。。是缩减50%么。。)
2012.9 第二轮扫描 显示80%到85%的反应
2012.9 脑部MRI显示疾病无进展 轻度水肿但是没有发现肿瘤
2012.10 又一个周期的白介素,两轮分别是9dose和8dose
2012.11 第二周期白介素后的第一次扫描 没有疾病迹象

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